into any thing. Great personality and happy person, strictly discrete .Don't be shy hit me up, my business is open for business. Currently in Nairobi city my contacts are plus two five four seven zero seven zero five two six six zero. See you soon. Kisses
Clothing Style
Casual, Elegant, Sporty
Lingerie Style
Jockstrap, Shorts, Thong, String, Bikini
Gift Ideas
Surprise, Handmade gift, Sports gift, Adventurious gift, Clothes accessories, Technology
Food & Cuisine
Global, Mediterranean, Latin American, North American, Asian, Fusion, Vegan, Vegetarian, Haute cuisin, Seafood, Fast food, Mix, Ask me
Beer, Wine, Cocktails, Alcohol, Juices, Liquor, Soda
Favourite Places
Asia, Africa, Europe, North America, South America, Oceania
Recently renee chose to answer 3 interview questions and was last updated: Jan 28, 2019.
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