I am intelligent, witty, creative, and professional. I love to travel, cook, and write. I don’t waste my time on clients with shallow pockets so don’t waste yours. I am open minded but not naive.
SouthernCharmer's Preferences
Clothing Style
Casual, Elegant, Sporty
Lingerie Style
Jockstrap, Shorts, Thong, String, Bikini
Gift Ideas
Surprise, Adventurious gift, Clothes accessories, Technology
Food & Cuisine
Global, Mediterranean, Latin American, North American, Asian, Seafood, Mix
Beer, Wine, Cocktails, Alcohol, Juices, Liquor, Soda
Favourite Places
Asia, Africa, Europe, North America, South America, Oceania
SouthernCharmer Interview
Recently SouthernCharmer chose to answer 22 interview questions and was last updated: Aug 05, 2021.
View SouthernCharmer interview
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