Pleasure Palace arrived at my place and gave me a big firm hug right off the back which immediately put me at my ease. His broad grin and sparkling eyes took me by surprise even though this was the second time we met. He was not rushed and we took our time necking and hugging and undressing. As we got into the ***, PP really took control and I was glad that he was verbal and told me exactly what he like and how he liked it. He also let me know how good things felt to him. We did a wide variety of things exciting and fun, and we both, had major explosions. But the evening wasn't quite over. He held me afterward and he felt like a friend I had known a long while. Several kisses and hugs later the evening ended. I was so perked up and so worn out in all the right ways I was up for hours. I will defiantly see Pleasure Palace again.
Look and feel of the site:
Very relaxing
Are the user photos accurate?:
Yes, for the most part
Yes, definitely