Musclejock here to please you (always horny)
I am a masculine guy with beautiful glowing bronze skin, a gorgeous face and a *****ly muscled body. I am looking for uncomplicated opportunities to display my strength and in the process providing you with pleasure! I provide services ranging from basic companionship and massage, all the way to hardcore, long **** sessions. I am not someone to simply lie there passively and let you do all the work!
I generally prefer topping, but I bottom on occasion, too.
Muscle worship, massage, rim, oral, with / withot poppers, lift & carry, strangling. Prefer safe ***. Price in my profile.
I also happen to be an intelligent guy, in case you prefer a romantic evening at the opera or the theater, followed by superficial quotes from Lyotard or Foucalt or Habermas and messing around in bed..
I will eat out your ass, open up your hole slowly and I'm already inside! That's all it takes ;-)
My fantasy: taking me to expensive boutiques and buying me tight, ***y clothing (also sportsgear) and then going back to **** your brains out like a machine. But first, you have to take off my gear using your teeth!