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Hello, I am Kevin. I’m a model currently base in California . Upon first meeting, people depict me as the ultimate boy-next-door, often appraising thé thé time spend together is never enough- for the experience exceeds the expectations by far.
I’m available for local out of state, text me. (410) 657-2214
KevinGay's Reviews
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Fun to be with
Hello, I am Kevin. I’m a model currently base in California . Upon first meeting, people depict me as the ultimate boy-next-door, often appraising thé thé time spend together is never enough- for the experience exceeds the expectations by far.
I’m available for local out of state, text me. (410) 657-2214
KevinGay's basic Info
5'7" - 167 cm
120lbs - 54 kg
Hair color
Eye color
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KevinGay's Activities
KevinGay's Fetishes
Fresno, CA
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KevinGay is available for future bookings and online services, but prefers not to meet other people in person at the moment.