The Truth
The more conventionally attractive you are, the harder it is to find something real. Invitations are easy to come by—but how many offer more than a night or a status boost? Attraction isn’t connection. Attention isn’t affection!A word to the wise: If someone hits you up only when they’re bored or between boyfriends, they’re not investing in you—they’re just passing time. And if you’re chasing someone purely for their looks, ask yourself: Do you want them, or the validation that comes with having them?
Looks fade. Character doesn’t.
Self-respect has to be stronger than feelings. If someone can’t see your worth beyond the packaging, let them admire you from a distance. Life’s too short for relationships built on thirst and convenience.
So: Own you. Own your worth. Stop giving away your shine to players who are just borrowing your light.
This is my shift. Depth, authenticity, and self-love come first. The rest will follow...
Shoot me a message, if you dare!