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Jock2Go: How important is a male's body hair situation?
I'm totally neutral on other peoples' body hair. I strongly believe that everyone has something different that works for them. I more enjoy the whole gestalt of peoples' aesthetics than any particular feature.
Jock2Go: Do you watch porn on your own time?
yes! haha! I watch porn, look at pictures and blogs, and read erotica. I've even been thinking about getting into writing erotica.
Jock2Go: Choose three adjectives to describe yourself.
Easygoing, reliable, joie de vivre.
Jock2Go: Do you exercise?
Yes! I tend to use home exercise equipment (weights, treadmill). I've been thinking about setting up a climbing rope, though.
Jock2Go: Do you have pets?
Yes! I'm a dog and cat lover. Though I'm fairly fastidious about keeping my clothes fairly pet hair free
Jock2Go: What motivates you to do your best in your job?
Enjoyment and the rewards of success :D
Jock2Go: What sign are you?
Taurus and that describes me pretty well.