Tell us a little about yourself, and what we should absolutely know about you?
Entreprenwhore, Fantasy Fulfillment Specialist, GoGo Daddy, KBox Coach, Singer, Model, XXX.
I do my best to always be kind, and speak with purpose. I'm genuinely authentic, open, self aware, and I strive to make everyone feel included, welcome, special, and part of things.
I'm also a man who likes to play, not placate.
Always forgiving, especially of myself, when I fall short of the things on the list above.
For better or worse, I came into my own and knew exactly who I was by age 5. I discovered My hero, sense of humor, communication style, and all of my favorite songs, and none of these have changed (it's totally for the better. And yes, you really can learn everything you need to know in life from watching The Muppet Show.)