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Jock2Go: Name some of your favorite local spots for going out at night.
Beach, Ibiza, sweet vibrations, crab shack, cruising in the country,
Jock2Go: Tell us a little about yourself, and what we should absolutely know about you?
I’m an east coast guy born and raised. I’m also a college student, love the beach life and all it has to offer, I was also once a Boy Scout in my past youth.
Jock2Go: What does a typical weekend afternoon look like for you?
Traveling 🧳, cruising, and exploring
Jock2Go: Choose three adjectives to describe yourself.
Elegant, Polite, and Mysterious
Jock2Go: Name a few places you have traveled to (local or international).
California, Texas, Georgia, South Carolina, Tennessee, Arkansas, Arizona, Oklahoma, Michigan, New Mexico, New York, Illinois, Indiana,
Jock2Go: Name a couple of TV shows, movies or books you love.
Shameless, breaking bad, outer banks, schitts creek, 13 reasons why, the order
Jock2Go: Any hobbies or passions you'd like to mention?